Emergency Services
Grove Hill Memorial Hospital provides emergency services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our present facility was built and opened in 2016. It is a 9 bed emergency room that includes a triage area for incoming patients, 2 trauma rooms and a procedure room. Each room is equipped with state of the art cardiac monitors that also transmit to a central monitoring system at the nurses unit.
Our patients are assessed/triaged on arrival and are treated according to the severity of their illness or injury. All of our patients’ medical complaints are important to us and will be attended, but sustaining life is our first and main focus.
Our Emergency Department is part of the Alabama Trauma System. We are considered a level 3 trauma center and we aim to treat and stabilize our patients for the best patient outcome. If our patients need a more specialized treatment after stabilization, they will be transferred to the closest available hospital that provides that higher level of care.
Our licensed staff stays up to date with training on the latest treatments for strokes, traumas and advanced life support.
Our hope is that you and your family never need emergency treatment, but when you do, we are here to take care of you.